Happiness makers

Happiness makers

Intention: Shine bright It’s been my hope through these 21 days of prayer guide to free your soul and create a spacious place for spiritual growth. I created a platform with my blog and social media to feel safe and loved. I opened my heart and shared my own...
Where praying is like breathing

Where praying is like breathing

Intention: Joy Have you ever watched someone lose the vision for their life? Like a tire that goes flat, it’s not from a sudden burst but rather, a slow leak. There’s so much about our world right now that ransacks our spirit, leaving interrupted...
Growing up or growing old?

Growing up or growing old?

Intention: Rest Purposeful rest, unthreatened by distractions creates well-being in my soul. There was a time for over 18 months that I was crippled with physical pain. It forced me to appreciate the value of rest but it was a process. Starting with, I didn’t...

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